
Training series of "Compliance Management"

 Some enterprises are often confronted with the following situations:

ü  Experienced CSR managers leave the enterprise, replaced by new ones

ü  Becoming a new supplier for some brands

ü  Issues recur in compliance audits

ü  In compliance management, CSR managers can hardly promote the cooperation and coordination of other department managers

These situations often leave enterprises passive or discontinued in compliance management. The purpose of this training series is not only to improve the CSR management ability of new employees, but also to emphasize the participation of managers at all levels of functional departments including production department so as to enable managers to deeply understand the logic behind the brand CoC and master the systematic method of risk management, relieved enterprises’ tiredness of coping with audits, and promote interdepartmental cooperation in compliance.

Compliance ManagementSeries

1)    How to interpret international conventions and brand codes of conduct in CSR

2)    How to establish the organizational structure and management system of compliance management

3)    Being sensitive to laws and regulations and how to share CSR information

4)    How to conduct internal audits

5)    Problem-solving

6)    How to communicate and cooperate with other departments on compliance issues

7)    How to establish mechanism for communication with customers

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