  • Open class series of "HR Capacity Building"

    This series is designed for human resource management professionals in enterprise. Unlike traditional HRM training, this series features employee participation, employee communication and employee development as the entry point while keeping focused on traditional HRM topics. It will offer a different perspective on HRM in order to adapt to the changing status quo of employee management.

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  • Employee Relations Management”Series

    This series of training is designed to help professionals understand the relatively new knowledge and development trends of employee relations management, and master new management ideas and tools.

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  • “Survey Capacity Building”Series

    This series of training targets professionals in the human resources department of the enterprise and will solve their enquiries when conducting surveys in the enterprise. TIMELINE has found that some specialists from the human resources department of an enterprise can carry out some small-scaled surveys, but they need more guidance and help as regards how to use the tools, in particular statistical analysis. The training series will help them rapidly improve their ability to conduct surveys within the enterprise in a short period of time.

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  • Topical seminar of "Employee Relations Management"

    Long engaged in professional survey, training and coaching on employee relations management, TIMELINE has accumulated resourceful first-hand materials and data. Meanwhile, the process has cultivated TIMELINE’s unique observations and insights on the current situation, development trends, challenges, possible solutions etc. of employee relations management in China.
    TIMELINE will share some work experience in employee relations management in the form of seminars, hoping practitioners can use this platform to share knowledge, experience and cases, and jointly promote the continuous progress of local employee relations management practices.

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  • Open class series of "Conducting Internal Audits Effectively"

    This series puts a greater emphasis on the enterprise’s own ability to master continuous compliance management and grasp rapid and effective methods.

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