Timeline Consultancy Co., Ltd.

It MATTERS more than what we assume to promote workplace gender equality

The significance of promoting gender equality in the workplace is that it can "promote sustainable and healthy development of the economy and the society, enhance social fairness and justice, consolidate the construction of harmonious labor relations, drive the whole society to respect the value of female reproductive labor, promote the improvement of employment quality, and make full use of the value of the labor force," and it is also conductive to family harmony and healthy child raising.


Ma Yun once said "Many young people have high IQs, but low EQs, and love quotients are almost zero. However, women are more balanced between these three quotients, so if you want to make the company successful and run in a smart and loving way, women are very good choices".


The CCTV English International Channel host Tian Wei also said "Any society that fails to harness the energy and creativity of its women is at a huge disadvantage in the modern world".


In February 2019, the All China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) issued the Guidebook on Promoting Gender Equality in the Workplace, which aims to promote enterprises to implement relevant laws and regulations and provide help and guidance for promoting gender equality in the workplace. Against this background, a British brand company invited Timeline to launch a workshop on the theme of "Promoting Gender Equality in the Workplace" for its Chinese suppliers.

On the day of the workshop, Timeline mainly shared the following topics:

·        Global and Chinese history and current status of gender equality in the workplace

·        What gender equality in the workplace means

o   Equal rights, opportunities and treatment in six major areas

·        Why  it is necessary to promote gender equality in the workplace

o   Related research findings: Women play a considerably positive role in the workplace

o   Gender equality improves corporate productivity and competitiveness, corporate reputation, and ability to attract and retain talent

o   Gender equality enhances employee happiness, satisfaction, responsibility and work enthusiasm

o   Gender equality stimulates employees' greater creativity, innovation and openness

o   Gender equality builds harmonious labor relationship

·        How to establish a gender equality mechanism in the workplace at an enterprise

·        How to promote gender equality in the workplace at all processes (a total of six processes, including: equal employment opportunities, equal opportunities for career development, equal pay and treatment, maternity protection, support for workers in balancing work and family responsibilities, prevention and suppression of workplace violence and sexual harassment )

·        Each company generates an action plan based on its concerns

Before and after the training, how did the participants' awareness change? The answer is "subversively", which can be represented in the table below:


Before the training

After the training

Did not understand this topic 

 We did not see gender inequality in our company and we did a good job

“These jobs are supposed to be done by women”

"Women are more careful in taking care of the family"


 “I thought gender equality referred to employment opportunities only”


“ About sexual harassment, it is okay if it is consensual"

 “Impressed with the discussion of stereotypes”


 "There were misunderstandings in our previous work, and we still have many shortcomings. Now we know what things are to be done, what must be done, and what is imminent"

 “There is nothing that it is supposed to be or not be” 

“After the training, I learnt there were six aspects of gender equality (employment, career development, salary, childbirth, work-family balance, and anti-violence and sexual harassment), and all of them had to be applied to practice”


The 'exchange' is also sexual harassment


During the training, various enterprises produced a series of improvement action plans, covering investigation, prevention of sexual harassment, establishment and improvement of grievance mechanism, strengthening training and publicity, and establishment and improvement of employee representative mechanism, etc.


Some people may think that they did not discriminate against sex. After finishing a test designed in the training, the editor myself was surprised to find that she actually had a gender stereotype, and the participants also found that there were different degrees of misunderstandings in their own mindsets. Some people may realize the necessity of gender equality in the workplace but dread the difficulty of implementing it in enterprises. However, there are actually practical methods. There is a long way to promote gender equality in the workplace. Let us work together to create a more harmonious and sustainable enterprise!



Timeline provides services of training on "promoting gender equality in the workplace". The training methods are interesting and diverse, including rich global / industry and enterprise survey data presentation, videos, games, case discussions, and group exercises, etc. If you are interested in training on this topic, please contact ivy.huang@timeline.com.cn.


The host Matrix released news on this workshop. For more information, please refer to https://www.thisismatrix.com/gender-equality-training-for-matrix-suppliers-in-china/


来自 <http://www.timeline.com.cn/en/new_show.php?id=378>

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