Timeline Consultancy Co., Ltd.

Timeline gave a speech on thoughts about Unauthorised Subcontracting (UAS) for an international organisation

On July 31 2019, Timeline was invited to give a speech themed "Preliminary idea of solution to Unauthorised Subcontracting (UAS)" in the stakholders sharing session of an international organisation's meeting for its core Chinese corporate members. 

    Regarding UAS issues, there is certain difficulty in indentification and accurate definition in the actual operation. Timeline deems that what is important now is to enable suppliers to gain more awareness, alertness and self-management ability. Although Timeline does not audit, due to the experience of almost 20 years in supply chain capacity building and constant focus in supply chain management and employee relations management, Timeline has formed its unique perceptions about UAS. 

Characteristics of supply chain management with low UAS risk: Strategic partnership established between the brands and the suppliers

“Strategic partnership” does not merely refer to the size of order, but it is more about interaction of both sides at the level of strategy. That means the suppliers need to truly understand the social responsibility strategy of brands and making their own strategy consistent and compatible with the brands’; the brands should give attention to the suppliers’ corporate social responsibility strategy drafting.


Characteristics of supply chain management with high UAS risk: High risk is not caused by one side solely

Two important factors related to brands: 1) Extremely unstable orders, including large volume, urgent delivery and unpredictable cycle; 2) purchasing decision only dependent on bidding


Primary factory related to suppliers: The top management is short-sighted, only focusing on the current orders and profits and ignorant of enterprise sustainable development


Reference of relevant practice of Timeline: Self-management, consistency in continuous improvement, and employee engagement

l  Establishing suppliers’ self-compliance management capability, in particular, drafting their own social responsibility strategy;

l  Encouraging suppliers to take their sub-suppliers with them in continuous improvement, so as to keep the consistency of supply chain management;

l  Improving transparency issue by applying employee participation, workplace dialogue and workplace cooperation to enhance both workers and management’s understanding of “transparency”

With in-depth thinking about UAS issues, Timeline is more committed to work implementation in relevant fields, including

Ÿ   Criticism on piece-rate wage

Ÿ   Living wage and fair wage

Ÿ   Reproduction of labour power

Ÿ   Leadership enhancement of enterprise managers

Ÿ   Employee grievance and conflict management

Ÿ   Dialogue

Ÿ   Female empowerment and female worker development

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