Timeline Consultancy Co., Ltd.

Timeline’s practice added to the WEPs website of the UN Women and the UN Global Compact


Following Timeline’s being awarded the SME Champion award of the 2021 UN Women Asia-Pacific WEPs Awards in China, UN Women has collected and showcased a number of best practices on the WEPs website in order to share successful experiences in women’s empowerment with a wider range of stakeholders. Timeline is honored that our practice has been included in the resources (case study) on UN Women and the UN Global Compact WEPs website.



As Timeline has publicly committed, we want to promote more companies to integrate gender equality into their daily management. Therefore, we would like to share this news with peers in the industry to facilitate more mutual exchange and learning.



For more information of our case study, please visit




The screenshot of the case study is as follows:

It is hoped that more companies could join WEPs to show their commitment and support for gender equality and women’s empowerment. For information on joining WEPs, please visit

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